There are a lot of myths that circulate about how to save energy. A look at your last gas or electric bill may help you to decide it’s time to save some of that precious stuff. Technology in newer heating and air conditioning systems has changed the way your system works.  Systems of the fifties and sixties operated so differently that what was true 30 plus years ago probably is not true now, and modern technology has created its own set of urban myths.  Read on to learn things that really going to reduce your utility bill.

MYTH: If it’s off, it’s off

FACT: Many appliances use energy after you turn them off; they’re known as “energy vampires.”  Look around; do you see that little light that’s glowing even after you’ve turned off your television, DVD player, computer monitor, etc.? All those little lights and the units are using energy. Some appliances, such as your television, may even use energy when there’s no light glowing; they need to be in standby mode to accept instruction from your remote control. They’re using electricity every second of the day and night. Other “energy vampires include computers, electronics chargers, dvd players, cable boxes and dvrs. The best thing you can do is to keep these appliances on a power strip and turn them all off when you’re done using them, then turn them on again when you need to. For a list of all the energy vampires you may be powering and how much energy they’re using, visit

MYTH: If you don’t use a room, close it off to save energy

HomeServiceCorp.comFACT: This may have been true when we were using fireplaces for heat or low-efficiency furnaces and air conditioners 30 years ago, but with today’s technology, it’s simply not the case. Closing registers in unused rooms does not have the intended effect; in fact, it may even force your system to work harder because of the uneven temperatures in your home. While closing off one room that is far away from your furnace won’t have much of an effect, closing off more than half of your home or the rooms that are close to the furnace can create pressure and air leakage issues.

MYTH: Block the fresh air duct near the furnace

FACT: If your home is less than 10 years old or if your furnace and water heater are in a small room, there probably is a fresh air duct near the furnace and water HomeServiceCorp.comheater for combustion air. There may be a fresh air intake for the house connected to the return air duct system near the furnace also. Common sense tells us that we will save energy if we close off these openings. In reality combustion air for the water heater or furnace will be drawn into the house through other sources such as air leaks around doors and windows, down the flue of the fireplace, or through exhaust fans in the bathrooms or kitchen. If it cannot get sufficient air, improper combustion takes place and there is a strong possibility of carbon monoxide could be produced and enter into the home.

MYTH: Ceiling fans keep the home more comfortable when they are left on all the time

HomeServiceCorp.comFACT: They only make your home feel more comfortable when they move air across your skin.  They have nothing to do with the air’s temperature. Turn them on only when you’re in the same room as they are.

MYTH: It’s too hot/cold in here…crank the thermostat

FACT: Just like pushing an elevator button several times doesn’t make it come any faster, changing the temperature dramatically HomeServiceCorp.comdoesn’t make your air conditioner, heat pump, or furnace work any faster. Today’s systems are sized and operate to meet the needs of a home by working at a set pace.

MYTH: Nothing makes a difference

FACT: Little things can make hundreds of dollars of difference in your utility bill. Here are several you can do today.

  • Changing incandescent light bulbs for LEDs can save electricity every month and pay for themselves      quickly.
  • Turn off lights when you leave a room for more than ten minutes.
  • Turn off your computer, or at the very least, put it to sleep; if it goes into timeout mode, it still uses      plenty of power.
  • Wash clothes in cold or warm water unless they’re quite dirty.
  • Check the seals around windows and doors. Repair or replace them if they are worn or damaged.

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Home Service Corporation serving our Michigan customers Heating & Air Conditioning , Plumbing and Electrical needs since 1980.

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